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Topic review (newest first)


thatguy2223 wrote:

This would be a great start to setup something like Bittorrent-DNA.
I would like to see commands to specify the download location and a run command to have it open a exe after download.
Torrent2EXE.exe -P: 8080 -D: C:\temp -R: C:\temp\setup.exe
-D Download location.
-R Run after download.
-P Port number to use to connect to torrents.

This will be awesome. Add this feature into the exe file please...


Dear thatguy2223,
Thank you for your feedback! We will take it into consideration.


This would be a great start to setup something like Bittorrent-DNA.

I would like to see commands to specify the download location and a run command to have it open a exe after download.

To make sure this can not be used for evil. I would also add a warning box with a timer so it can be canceled before exe is opened.


Torrent2EXE.exe -P: 8080 -D: C:\temp -R: C:\temp\setup.exe

-D Download location.
-R Run after download.
-P Port number to use to connect to torrents.

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